Alcert is accredited as certification body according ISO/IEC 17024 standard requirements in the following areas:
1- Persons using electrical equipment/installation and their health and safety as per classifications in Group I-V
Preconditions that the applicant must meet to be certified
Group I
- To be at least 18 years old
- To have a document which prove that he/she has completed at least 8/9 years education program
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
Group II
- To be at least 18 years old
- To have at least one year of working experience in the relevant profile as defined in the Regulation of safety and technical use for equipment and electrical installations
- To have completed professional technical (electrical) education. In the absence of this education, it is required to have 1 year working experience or a training course of at least 8 hours regarding first aid and knowledge on the danger posed by electricity
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc
Group III
- To be at least 18 years old
- To fulfil one of the following:
- to have a document which prove that he/she has completed at least 8/9 years education program and posses the certification of Group II for at least 6 months;
- to posses relevant documents verifying that she/he has completed the respective professional high school and have not less than 3 months of work experience;
- to provide evidence that she/he has completed the bachelor in electrical engineering and have not less than 1 month work experience; or
- to provide evidence that she/he has completed the bachelor for non-electrical engineering and have not less than 3 years of work experience.
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
Group IV
- To be at least 20 years old
- To fulfill one of the following:
- To posses a certification at least for 2 years on Group III;
- To posses a certification at least for 1 year on Group III in cases of relevant professional education;
- More than 3 months experience on electrical installations in case of persons with bachelor or master degree in electrical engineering.
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
Group V
- To be at least 24 years old
- For category:
- of Masters must have more than 10 years working experience in electrical installations and equipment and over 3 years in Group IV of electrical health and safety;
- of Technicians must have at least 3 years of working experience in the Group IV of electrical health and safety;
- of electrical Engineers must have at least 1 year of working experience in electrical installation or lines.
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
2- Persons using pressure equipment
A. LPG tanks
B. Cryogenic vessels
C. Steam boilers
D. Other under pressure equipment (excluding those in category A, B and C) such as stationary, air tank, safety accessories, pipes, etc
E. Centers of filling and depositing of cylinders
F. Discharge and transfusion plants for road tanks of dangerous goods for class 2
Preconditions that the applicant must meet to be certified
- To be at least 18 years old;
- To have a document which prove that he/she has completed at least 8/9 years education program;
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
3- Persons performing Lift Maintenance
Preconditions that the applicant must meet to be certified
- To be at least 18 years old;
- To provide a document which prove that he/she has completed at least 8/9 years education program;
- To have at least 1 year of working experience without interruption in the installation and/or maintenance of elevators
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
4- Persons performing Lift Modification/Modernization activities
4.1- Mechanical Lift Modernizer
Preconditions that the applicant must meet to be certified:
- To be at least 25 years old;
- To provide a document which proof that he/she has completed at least general high school or mechanical professional secondary education, or an equivalent qualification;
- To have at least 3 years of working experience in the installation/assembly/maintenance or modification/modernization of lifts;
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
4.2- Electric Lift Modernizer
Preconditions that the applicant must meet to be certified
- To be at least 25 years old;
- To provide a document which proof that he/she has completed at least general high school or electrical professional secondary education, or an equivalent qualification;
- To have at least 3 years of working experience in the installation/assembly/maintenance or modification/modernization of lifts;
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
5- Installers of high voltage electrical installations over 1 kv
5.1- Category AT1: installers of high voltage electrical installations not exceeding 30 kV
Preconditions that the applicant must meet to be certified:
- To be at least 18 years old;
- To has a university degree in electrical engineering, energy profile which contains, among others, relevant courses that address technical competence and regulatory provisions, in accordance with DCM 483/2020;
- In the absence of a university degree, to have a professional secondary education, electrical branch which contains, among others, the relevant subjects that deal with technical competence and regulatory provisions, in accordance with DCM 483/2020;
- To has at least 1 year of working experience in installations, maintenance, repairs, etc. of electrical installations in the case of persons with University education and in case of persons with secondary technical education at least of 3 years of such working experience in installations of category AT1;
- To be employed in a company for the performance of high voltage installations, with voltage not exceeding 30 kV, which has explicitly stated the category in which it can exercise its activity;
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
5.2- Category AT2: installers of high voltage electrical installations without voltage limits
Preconditions that the applicant must meet to be certified:
- To be at least 18 years old
- To has a university degree in electrical engineering, energy profile which contains, among others, relevant courses that address technical competence and regulatory provisions, in accordance with DCM 483/2020;
- In the absence of a university degree, to have a professional secondary education, electrical branch which contains, among others, the relevant subjects that deal with technical competence and regulatory provisions, in accordance with DCM 483/2020;
- To has at least 1 year of working experience in installations, maintenance, repairs, etc. of electrical installations in the case of persons with university education and in case of persons with secondary technical education at least 3 years working experience in installations of category AT2;
- To be employed in a company for performing high voltage installations, without voltage limits, which has explicitly stated the category in which it can exercise its activity;
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
6- Installers of high voltage lines over 1 kv
6.1- Type 1: for overhead or underground lines with high voltage up to 30 kV
Preconditions that the applicant must meet to be certified
- To be at least 18 years old;
- To be qualified as senior high technician in electrical installations or posses a Master or Bachelor diploma in electrical engineering, energy profile, or have completed individual courses recognized by the competent authority as equivalent to the above qualifications, as well as other equivalent defined pursuant to legislation or other international agreements with third countries, recognized in Albania;
- To have practical knowledge of the categories for which he/she wants to apply, as well as at least 1 (one) year of working experience in the field of application of DCM 482/2020 at a company of installation of relevant voltage power lines (Type 1) or a similar electrical company;
- To be certified on respective Group category on health and safety in electrical installations, high voltage issued by a accredited certification body of persons;
- To be employed in a company for the installation of high voltage overhead or underground lines, with voltage ≤ 30 kV, which has explicitly stated the category in which it can exercise its activity;
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
6.2- Type 2: for overhead or underground lines with high voltage over 30 kV
Preconditions that the applicant must meet to be certified:
- To be at least 18 years old;
- To be qualified as a senior/high technician in electrical installations or posses Master or Bachelor diploma in electrical engineering, energy profile, or have completed individual courses recognized by the competent authority as equivalent to the above qualifications, as well as other equivalent defined pursuant to legislation or other international agreements with third countries, recognized in Albania;
- To have practical knowledge of the categories for which he/she wants to apply, as well as at least 1 (one) year of working experience in the field of application of DCM 482/2020 at a company of installation of relevant voltage power lines (Type 2) or a similar company electrical;
- To be certified on respective Group category on health and safety in electrical installations, high voltage issued by a accredited certification body of persons;
- To be employed in a company for the installation of high voltage overhead or underground lines, with voltage over 30 kV, which has explicitly stated the category in which it can exercise its activity;
- To verify through a medical report that he/she has appropriate capabilities such as vision, hearing and mobility, etc.
Note: In cases where the applicant is a foreigner, the certification authority may provide the translation. If you want this the additional costs will be covered by the applicant.
Application Process
The applicant submits:
- Signed summary information for the relevant certification scheme (download)
- Signed application form (download)
Assessment Process
ALCERT verifies whether the applicant meets the relevant pre-conditions requirements.
After this pre assessment, the candidate applicant will be subject of examination for its assessment of competence. The candidate must receive a minimum of 75% of total points in each examination.
Finally, the Decision is taken by the ALCERT for the certification of the candidate.
Validity of Certification
The duration of the certification depends on the certification schemes as follows:
- Certification of persons using Pressure Equipment is valid for 5 years with annual theoretical or practical surveillance alternately and with 50% of the initial certification fee;
- The certification of persons who perform maintenance of lifts and persons who perform Modifications/Modernization of lifts is valid for 5 years with annual theoretical or practical surveillance alternately and with 50% of the initial certification fee;
- Certification of persons using electrical equipment/wiring regarding health and safety issues is valid for 1 year;
- Certification of installers of high voltage electrical installations over 1 kV is valid for 3 years with annual surveillance/confirmation with theoretical or practical examination alternately;
- Certification of installers of high voltage power lines over 1 kV is valid for 3 years with annual surveillance/confirmation with theoretical or practical examination alternately.
The applicant, candidate or certified person has the right to appeal within 15 days of being officially notified for any unfavorable decision by certification body ALCERT related to his/her desired certification status.
The completed appeal form by the appellant can be sent by mail or electronically through the official website of ALCERT.
ALCERT makes prior efforts to reach an amicable settlement/agreement, inviting the appellant within 5 days of receiving the appeal. In case that no agreement is achieved, the appeal will be forwarded to Appeal Commission which takes final decision and shall give written notice within 10 days to the appellant by post or electronically as appropriate.
“Complaint” is expression of dissatisfaction, other than appeal, by any individual or organization to a certification body, relating to the activities of that body or a certified person, where a response is expected.
Any individual or institution may file a complaint regarding conduct held by ALCERT, its staff or certified person by by ALCERT.
If the complaint relates to the activity of ALCERT or its certified persons, the Quality Manager notifies the complainant of the receipt of the complaint and reports to him/her on the progress and measures taken to deal with the complaint. In cases where the complaint is addressed to a certified person, notify him in a timely manner.
The review of complaints and decision-making is done by the Complaints Commission which makes a decision within a period of 30 days and is communicated to the complainant by mail or electronically as the case may be.